Humans have always chased a path towards perfection and pleasure. Now we are presented with technology that can bridges the gap between humans and computers. How will we adapt?

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the automotive industry with features like autonomous driving and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Manufacturers are implementing AI to improve safety, reduce traffic congestion, and enhance fuel efficiency, with companies like Volvo, BMW, Audi, Tesla, and Lexus at the forefront. Additionally, bioengineering principles are influencing vehicle design, resulting in more aerodynamic and energy-efficient cars and the use of eco-friendly bioplastics. AI is not limited to vehicle operation but extends to manufacturing processes, optimizing quality and efficiency. Predictive maintenance and AI-driven software are becoming standard, promising to shape the future of the automotive sector with continued innovation and evolution.

Branching off into healthcare, Recent advancements in healthcare have the potential to revolutionize the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer and the functionality of prosthetic limbs. Lung cancer affects 1 in 16 people, and until recently, patients suffered from late detection and limited treatment options. However, a transformative shift in medical imaging, driven by AI, is enhancing early detection through more sensitive CT scans and X-rays. AI has also transformed the domains of prosthetic limbs. There are 57.7 million people worldwide living with limb amputations, yet only about 5% of them have access to prosthetics due to the high cost and accessibility issues. AI-powered myoelectric prosthetic hands, brain-computer interfaces, and neural implants are improving functionality and control methods. AI-driven physical therapy and rehabilitation programs are becoming more influential, and future developments aim to provide sensory feedback.

AI has been implemented within the pharmaceutical sphere at a rapid rate, to varying levels of success. Though with the growing competence of AI, the practical applications within of it within this sphere are almost limitless. The main applications that are currently being used are, drug discovery, expedited clinical testing, advancement in disease diagnosing, and many more. There has also been an ease of adaptation of AI into Machine Learning, which allows for those in, and joining this scientific field to make usage of AI easier (and hopefully will lead to an even faster rate of development in the next coming years).

Upon looking at CRISPR, through the eyes of He Jiankui and Jennifer Doudna, we were astounded to see the integration of this technology. The benefits we see from bioengineering include eradicating illnesses that restrain humans from maximizing their potential. Diseases like cancer and AIDS will be extinct like the bubonic plague. Doudna references in her TED talk about urging for a halt on the development of curing illnesses so that scientists globally can discuss how to regulate it.

However, there is vehement backlash on this development. Countries and scientists turned their back on He Jiankui when his research resulted in the birth of two twins by editing their embryos, thus ridding them of the CCR5 gene (which is a receptor for AIDS). Jiankui is a proponent for bettering humanity, but the discourse in the scientific community says otherwise. They believe that tampering with humans crosses the ethical line. They fear that it is too early to be implemented.

For the remainder of our DT&L Portfolio, we are currently moving towards predicting the future of AI and Bioengineering. Tools like our SWOT analysis (which looks at the strengths and threats) and Axes of Uncertainties (in which we describe the three levels of impact) will cause us to envision the future of society through AI and Bioengineering. Upon completion, with knowledge gathered from various sources, we will start our podcast. We will explain how AI could evolve to support humanity in the future, and afterwards pose ethical questions as to how this could undermine/help society in the future. Our prior discussions enlightened us with fantasy like ideas of our future, yet we were all stunned to realize that it is in development.

The fringe sketch we developed included topics like the need for therapy, Big Pharma, overpopulation, the cost of living, artificial wombs, escaping death, dehumanization, curing disorders like PTSD, robot doctors, and more.

Our documentary will describe all the development and fear surrounding bioengineering, and finally, our solution on the regulation of commercial use of these technologies.
Our goal, through analyzing the commercial and medical applications, is to underscore the magnificent achievements that will come to fruition soon.

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