1. Creatives using Machine Learning to generate unfathomable ideas
2. AI used to detect faulty plants, produce, land and pesticides
3. Merge of computer and human intelligence
4. Expanded understanding of our biological systems
1. Plethora of Bias on the web that is fed to machines
2. Public and Government skepticism
3. Minimal fact checking on information
4. Early stages – a rush to implement it instead of analyzing each case
5. Tampering with human systems
1. CRISPR and antimicrobial resistance to limit chances of contracting diseases and/or removing the disease
2. Quantum Computing to obtain, organize and analyze data faster + perform complex problems and calculations
3. Increase in life expectancy
4. Artificial Induction and IVF utilized to increase the birth population
6. De extinction – bringing back vital plants and animals
1. Removing neurotransmitters (removing emotions) and memories
2. fluctuated population
3. Human detachment from society -> virtual world
4. Privacy and data concerns are escalating